My time at Marine Scotland Science came to an end yesterday… and then I went in today anyway for a meeting, because it was the only time that all the necessary people were free. But that’s at an end, and so is my much longer time with Heriot-Watt. Obviously, I hope to keep in touch with and collaborate with both.
My next role will be a postdoc with Dr. Zhaoqing Yang at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Seattle. I’ll be building on my existing skills with FVCOM modelling, both for energy and other applications. That might hopefully be starting in about a month’s time, but it all depends on when my US visa comes through. In the meantime, I have plenty to occupy me with selling my car, sorting all my belongings into “ship, store, or throw away[1]”, and trying to see as many of my European friends – British and otherwise – as possible before I go. Oh, and that paper I promised to write 😉
Moving to America, and working over there, is both exciting and daunting. It will be an adventure!
[1] Give away, where possible.